Friday, 29 August 2014

VIDEOS | The Hunger Games- Katniss and Effie makeup tutorials

I made two videos showing how to do The Hunger Games characters look: Effie Trinket from first Hunger Games(reaping scene) and Katniss Everdeen from Catching Fire (Snow's mansion scene). Enjoy! :)


Wednesday, 27 August 2014

How to prevent aging (part 1)

This is my part one of my "how to prevent aging" little guide. Enjoy! :)

Nowadays everyone wants to look their best all the time. All that plastic surgerys, anti-age cremes, botox and other stuff... this is just global madness. And what is actually an issue- people usually try to MAKE themself younger, but haven't really did anything to prevent that when they were still young.

So, beware young and old (because why not) people, here is the ultimate guide for staying young long ages!

SUNSCREEN. This is probably one of the most important products if you want to prevent wrinkles and general aging of your skin. Why? Because being exposed to the Sun (UV light) destroys the structure of your skin. Getting tan is actually damaging your skin- this is why your skin gets darker- it is natural process of protecting you from exposure to UV light. Popular makeup artists like Lisa Eldridge or Wayne Goss agree that it is just ESSENTIAL to use SPF.
It is not only about tanning- your skin is exposed to UV light all day all year, so it is really important to use sunscreen. A lot of companies add sunscreen to foundations, BB creams or other products, so if you don't like to use sunscreen, try to find something that contain SPF.

SMOKING. We all know that smoking is not healhy for health (logic :P  ). But it is also super bad for your inside and outside "aging". Inside- well, you just destroying your lungs and other organs. For beauty- weak, yellow teeth is not only one problem. Smoking really makes the skin weak, grey and tired. It is just easy way to make yourself age soooo much faster. So, stay away from it!

ALCOHOL. Try to make an experiment <or just search for it on youtube>. An egg + alcohol. Egg white is made of proteine. Human skin is made of proteine (+ water + fat). So, now you see how it works <and when something works from inside it's even worst>. It's absolutely OK to drink a glass of wine from time to time or something like that (if you are in age to do this!), but drinking alcohol often can really make your skin look bad and age even faster. I don't even have to mention the inside part of how alcohol works.

So, this is part one of my little guide, stay tuned for more!


Sunday, 24 August 2014

Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum foundation first impressions (review)

Here is my "first impressions" video for Bourjois Helathy Mix Serum foundation. Enjoy! :)


Friday, 22 August 2014

Manhattan Pastell Pretties Cheek & Eye Cream review

Manhattan Cheek & Eye Cream is one of the products of limited Pastel Pretties series. Howether I found it online for low price- actually in lots of online stores. Because the photos of one (really: ONE) shade had range from intensive red to soft pink (yes, the same shade, but just on different photos) I was quite confused, so decided to bought two colors 01 Tulipster and 02 Call Me Rosemary.

First of all- the colors aren't so scary red as you might through. It's like liquid cheek tint- looks red on the package, but pink on cheeckbones. Which is good- unless you want super-extra-blood-cheeck-awkward-something then no, this product is definitely not for you :P

I woudn't say that this is for Cheek & Eye. I tried both colors on my eyelids- in a moment most of cream transfered into my crease making horrible line. To make the color actually seenable I had to use a lot of product, so it might be that, or just an issue of a formula.

I would say this product is only „Cheek cream”- and it works fine IF you have clear cheeckbone area. If you have acne, acne scars or something like that- it will destroy your foundation and concealler effort. As I've mentioned before you must use a lot of product. 

And then it comes to blending which is fine, but must be done with fingers- the pigmentation is not super high, it dries quickly and this cream doesn't really work with any kind of blush brush.

It is a little bit different if you have cler skin, or just clear cheeckbone area- this might be good product for someone that is on rush and just want fastly give some „life” to face. Then fast application with fingers and natural finish should be great.

Of course, there is some major flaw- it disappears very fast. Re-application during a day is a must and I think more than once (whoooa, I just realized that I've just accidentally made ridiculous make-up rap, haha). Keep in midn that on cheeck it will not crease or make some „dirt effect”, but just disappear into nothing. If it doesn't bother you to re-apply it during a day you may like it!

The colors itself are very soft, light shade of pink. As you can see on the photo there are two different shades, but after blending they look almost the same. Call Me Rosemary is just slightly darker, but it is not very noticable difference.

There is also one more thing to say- one of my blushes just separated from the package. Sure, a little bit of glue should fix it, but it shoudn't happen with new product.

If you have clear skin, don't expect very long lasting product, but want something light and natural-looking with a bit of glowy finish- you may try it. But rather only as cheeck blisher.

Rating: 5/10
Good stuff: natural looking; soft, pretty colors; glowy, healthy effect, low price
Bad stuff: not very much pigmentation; not good for places with acne/acne scars; doesn't last long

Would I recommend buying: Maybe


Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Essence Smoky Eyes Brush review

When I first started doing makeup I bought a brush set with a lot of brushes- but all of eyeshadows brushes were flat! But still with some help from fingers I managed to blend the shadows. But there came that mysterious day of "I neeeed aaa bleendiiing bruuuush". And so I did.

OK, now for the review:

The brush is made of synthetic hair. I recon it's dyed because the color fades away a little bit from the hair when you wash it, but it's not a problem because it is not affecting application (yup, your eyes are safe from purple eyes. Unless you do Frozen-Elsa-kind-of-look, but you need to use purple eyeshadow anyway :P ).
I washed it few times and haven't noticed any hair loss which is a BIG plus!

The hand of the brush is made of plastic and the hair are hold by metal (or a plastic quite close to metal, it's hard to tell)- because of that it's really light. If you like heavy brushed that you want to "feel" this one might not be for you.

As for product with synthetic hair it's quite soft, but- not softest of brushes. I bought it for something like 2£ / 3$ so for this cheap price I can forgive not being super-extra-HD-awesome soft. Howether it's easy to blend with this, it doesn't "eat" the product, but just make your makeup easy.

So, if you want to buy blending brush for low price- go for it! Especially if you are newbie in makeup- usually blending brush is all what you need for basic eyeshadow application!

Rating: 8+/10
Nice stuff: low price, good quality
Bad stuff: color from hair can fade away a bit, it is not super soft
Would I recommend buying: yes!

Please comment and let me know if you have any suggestions,

So it began!

So... you probably don't know me, but I know you. Really!... OK, I don't. But! You probably like makeup. Or something makeup-related? Maybe? Um... that was creepy. Let's start again :)

This was a little introduction of my awkward humour that you will see quite frequently on this blog. I through it would be nice to do reviews of products as some kind of extension to my youtube channel which I'm presenting to you right now:

Well, actually this is only one of my videos. But there are more on my channel, so check it out! Usually I add some awkward humour to my videos- especially on the end when the makeup is done, so... WAIT! You are still reading this?! What are you waiting for, check out my channel... umm.. you can stay here too actually... well I would be really glad if you would do that too.

But you will come back, right? :P
