Wednesday 27 August 2014

How to prevent aging (part 1)

This is my part one of my "how to prevent aging" little guide. Enjoy! :)

Nowadays everyone wants to look their best all the time. All that plastic surgerys, anti-age cremes, botox and other stuff... this is just global madness. And what is actually an issue- people usually try to MAKE themself younger, but haven't really did anything to prevent that when they were still young.

So, beware young and old (because why not) people, here is the ultimate guide for staying young long ages!

SUNSCREEN. This is probably one of the most important products if you want to prevent wrinkles and general aging of your skin. Why? Because being exposed to the Sun (UV light) destroys the structure of your skin. Getting tan is actually damaging your skin- this is why your skin gets darker- it is natural process of protecting you from exposure to UV light. Popular makeup artists like Lisa Eldridge or Wayne Goss agree that it is just ESSENTIAL to use SPF.
It is not only about tanning- your skin is exposed to UV light all day all year, so it is really important to use sunscreen. A lot of companies add sunscreen to foundations, BB creams or other products, so if you don't like to use sunscreen, try to find something that contain SPF.

SMOKING. We all know that smoking is not healhy for health (logic :P  ). But it is also super bad for your inside and outside "aging". Inside- well, you just destroying your lungs and other organs. For beauty- weak, yellow teeth is not only one problem. Smoking really makes the skin weak, grey and tired. It is just easy way to make yourself age soooo much faster. So, stay away from it!

ALCOHOL. Try to make an experiment <or just search for it on youtube>. An egg + alcohol. Egg white is made of proteine. Human skin is made of proteine (+ water + fat). So, now you see how it works <and when something works from inside it's even worst>. It's absolutely OK to drink a glass of wine from time to time or something like that (if you are in age to do this!), but drinking alcohol often can really make your skin look bad and age even faster. I don't even have to mention the inside part of how alcohol works.

So, this is part one of my little guide, stay tuned for more!


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